
Fri 19th May 2023

Earlier this month, we had the great pleasure of taking Dr Neil Anderson around London allbeit that he remembered where to go and was directing us!!

Wed 10th May 2023

At the beginning of the month, Freedom In Christ National Leaders from all over the world gathered for our four yearly conference; the first one since Covid and hosted in the UK!  It was 

Fri 31st March 2023

TRANSFORM is an unparalleled opportunity for Christian leaders to dive deep into the personal freedom, fruitfulness and transformation Jesus has for them - at a time when the

Tue 31st January 2023

Within about 5 seconds, I was regretting involving the kids. I don’t sign up to that old adage “Never work with animals or children” – life is generally more fun with a fair dose of the unpredictability...

Fri 27th January 2023

Freedom in Christ has inspirational and dedicated leaders in around 40 countries. Many are in volatile and difficult circumstances but still highly effective in equipping the Church to make disciples.

Thu 26th January 2023

In September 2021, after Alan & Alice sensed God’s prompting to begin working towards bringing the Freedom In Christ Discipleship Course to Estonia, the translation effort commenced. Alice ...

Mon 2nd January 2023

Having a foundation of prayer before during and after a Freedom In Christ Course is imperative - our Director Prayer, Sue Lindsay created the Prayer Manual for exactly this reason.

Tue 20th December 2022

We're excited to announce our New Year online freedom courses for leaders!

Thu 1st December 2022

As part of our Funding Freedom 2022 Appeal, Jess took to the mountains to climb Pen Y Fan with the support (or hinderance!) of Bex.  She expressed that despite it only being 886 metres it was

Wed 23rd November 2022

Earlier this year I received a task from Rob asking if I could design the Christmas cards this year - obviously I jumped at the chance, dusted off my camera and converted my front room to a Christm

Wed 19th October 2022

"Churches, just like people, need to be free from spiritual bondage. Corporate sin robs the spiritual vitality and fruitfulness of churches, keeping them from being free in Christ."

Sat 1st October 2022

I met with Charlotte and Ron via Zoom in the Summer to chat with them about their church and using the Freedom In Christ course.