How could you encourage inspiring leaders to make an impact in their nations
Around 40 different countries have inspirational and devoted leaders of Freedom in Christ. Despite being in unstable and challenging situations, many are nonetheless highly effective at empowering the Church to make disciples. We want to introduce you to some of them, including our leaders in Venezuela, Albania, Ethiopia, and Myanmar, and our Africa Director based in Nigeria, and show you how you can be a huge blessing to them by contributing to a critical fundraising effort to bring them all to "UK2023" for essential equipping and fellowship. When you've thought about making a donation, scroll down to the bottom of this page to meet our leaders and discover more about their ministries in person!
We now know that in order to send our leaders to UK2023, we must raise a total of £80,000. Our wonderful donors have already contributed £30,000 (thank you! ), and two families have pledged an additional £25,000. In other words, we need just £25,000 more to meet our objective. Can you assist us in making a kind donation? Every penny contributes in sending our committed leaders to this significant occasion, which will ultimately aid us in 2023 in furthering the message of Freedom in Christ.
Steve Goss explains in the video below why we gather our leaders together every four years in one country and how this was such a blessing to our Venezuelan leader, Adrian on one of these occasions:
Learn more about the inspiring work that Adrian and four other national leaders are doing in the face of incredibly difficult situations.:
Thanks you SO MUCH for your support!
Meet our leaders from Africa, Ethiopia, Myanmar, and Albania, and learn from them about their ministries, personal experiences, and how much attending UK2023 would mean to them.
Ibrahim Dikko, Area Director, Africa
Arjan Larashi, National Leader, Albania
Zemen Endale, National Leader, Ethiopia
Naing Bu, National Leader, Myanmar
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