In September 2021, after Alan & Alice sensed God’s prompting to begin working towards bringing the Freedom In Christ Discipleship Course to Estonia, the translation effort commenced. Alice worked really hard over 6 months to not only complete the course books, but also all of the video subtitles.
By April 2022, Alan & Alice had both been credentialed as Elim Missionaries to Estonia (based in the UK) and also accepted as Pioneer Leaders with Freedom in Christ Ministries International (FICMI). They were just about ready in time for the first online pilot course.
The course finished at the end of June with great feedback and positivity about ‘Vabadus Kristuses’ (the name of their newly formed non-profit). The Estonian video subtitles were also added to ‘Freedom Stream’, the online streaming service that FICMI offers, becoming available to Estonian speakers anywhere in the world.
They now have formed a small group that meets to pray for Vabadus Kristuses, and they hope that as we share their story that more prayer from across the globe will begin to arise!
It seems they have hit a wave and are doing their best to surf it!