Being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:3)
I really don't mind taking a stand on biblical grounds and living with the conflict that comes from those who oppose the gospel. I think that is part of our calling. What grieves God is when our ministry and work is stopped because well-intentioned people resist the inevitable and needlessly fight change.
I tell my students that the greatest asset they will have in their early years of ministry is older, mature saints in the church. The greatest liability they will have is old saints who have stopped growing years ago. All these saints do is censor. They reflect no more love or kindness now than they did 20 years ago. They don't worship - they critique the worship service. They no longer sit under the judgment of Scripture - they sit in judgment of the pastor. They no longer bear fruit - they actually prevent it. They insist that they are right when what they need to be is holy.
Mature saints have learned to restrict their freedom for the sake of weaker believers. Their faith doesn't rest in traditions, so they gladly accept changes in style of ministry that will reach the younger generation. Another problem arises when young Christian leaders act impulsively as change agents without giving thought to what the consequences will be to the fellowship. Any movement forward that results in the loss of fellowship is not an improvement. We must be diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit. Such change agents seem to be unaware that patience is a fruit of the Spirit. The modern generation wants it now. They seem to have forgotten the fact that God does everything decently and in order. He is not the author of confusion.
Father, please don't allow me to sit, soak and sour, but to remain open-minded, light-hearted and non-judgemental.
Neil Anderson
Daily in Christ, Copyright © 1993 Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, Oregon 97408.
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