
Tue 28th January 2020

 Now, this is seriously exciting. For the first time EVER, the Freedom In Christ course (or better put Cwrs Rhyddid Yng Nghrist) is being piloted in Welsh!

Wed 15th January 2020

The Freedom message is taking root throughout the world, and with a brand new translation on the cusp of publication, no more so than in Poland!

Fri 13th December 2019

We're building our team to proclaim Jesus' freedom across the southwest, lead by our new Regional Co-ordinator, Art Moore.

Thu 12th December 2019

Claudette Bennett, our National Co-Ordinator for Jamaica, has been in post for a year, and we thought it was time we introduced her to you! She writes:

Thu 28th November 2019

Appointed as National Representative and National Prayer Co-ordinator respectively just a year ago, Stuart and Breda Kenny have been developing contacts and presenting the FIC Discipleship message

Fri 22nd November 2019

Our Discipleship Challenge Workshop effectively equips you to disciple young adults - the "missing generation", and we're looking

Mon 28th October 2019

This weekend saw us say goodbye to our first cohort of "Freedom Academy" at our final retreat of the 9 month programme.

Tue 8th October 2019

 We're really excited to announce that after more than five years in the making, KEYS TO HEALTH, WHOLENESS, & FRUITFULNESS is launched today.

Tue 1st October 2019

For several years, Howard, our Director for Africa, and Zemen, our Ethiopian National Representative,  have been working to fulfil the dream of creating a training centre in Addis Ababa for pastors

Mon 30th September 2019

Earlier this month Samuel, our Portuguese National Director, (on right of picture) and his deputy Helcio, arrived in Mozambique's capital Maputo, after a gruelling overnight flight.

Fri 30th August 2019

We've designed some brand new Christmas Cards that come in packs of 12 - 3 of 4 different designs for just £3.50.

Sat 24th August 2019

 A few months ago, Dan Studt began serving as the new president of FICM-USA, replacing Rich Miller. Here at FICM UK we throught you might like to hear his story! He writes: