TRANSFORM 2025 - A 9-month personal journey for Church and Ministry Leaders into greater freedom, fruitfulness and disciple-making

1 September 2025 to 18 May 2026

Applications are now open for TRANSFORM - a 9-month journey for Christian leaders into greater freedom, fruitfulness and transformation.



Are you a Christian in leadership, responsible for setting vision and strategic direction?

Do you want the opportunity to take your leadership into a place of greater freedom, fruitfulness and transformation?

Apply now for TRANSFORM 2025 


TRANSFORM is one of a kind... It’s a wonderful opportunity for personal growth in intimacy with God, in a safe setting, with excellent input and fellowship - something I’ve rarely found as a leader.





Joining TRANSFORM will provide you with the necessary time and space in your schedule to engage at a deep level with life and leadership-transforming truth. TRANSFORM offers unprecedented access to the Freedom In Christ's teaching resources embedded within a collaborative learning environment and includes:

  • Weekly Hubs encountering Gods Truth with other leaders
  • Two Retreats - at least 1 face-to-face
  • A personal, confidential Steps To Freedom In Christ appointment, and two further opportunities to engage with the Steps To Experiencing God's Grace, and the Steps To Freedom For Leaders.

You’ll be joining other leaders from church and ministry contexts and can expect lasting and mutually beneficial friendships to form. During our time together, you will find an honest, “real” environment where you are not expected to perform but simply be yourself.

The TRANSFORM Invitation

Applications are welcome from Christian leaders who want to kick-start and accelerate the process of personal and corporate discipleship that bears much fruit, through an intentional, structured, supported programme that strengthens what you already have and helps make your ministry even more fruitful. 

The TRANSFORM Commitment

TRANSFORM will be quite a commitment for a Church or Organisation, but it will be a wise investment likely to be repaid many times over in the coming years.

The programme starts at the beginning of September and finishes in May, and involves weekly study and prayer, and an online (Zoom) hub to share and pray together. In addition, there are two Retreats in October and March.

Before your application is accepted, we will want to make sure that enough time and space will be made available for you to engage with TRANSFORM on a weekly basis and to release you to go on the two retreats. 


The cost of the 9-month TRANSFORM programme is £349, not including any costs for the Retreats, which in previous years have cost approx. £375 for 4 nights. Bursaries are available - please enquire via email.

There is also a required reading list which will cost in the region of £65 for all titles (plus p&p).

There is no charge to apply, but if accepted full payment will be required by 15th August.





Mon 1 September 2025 00:00   through   Mon 18 May 2026 00:00

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