
Thu 24th March 2022

We have just finished our online courses so it's now time to start registration again for the next online courses for leaders.

Mon 31st January 2022

Well, January has seen us start the New Year at pace.

Tue 11th January 2022

As all of our ministry revolves around prayer as a vital foundation, we have multiple ways in which we pray and request prayer.

Thu 16th December 2021

Are you looking for a lovely card to send or perhaps some postcards to fill a frame?

Wed 24th November 2021

During the past year we have been running various courses online for leaders.

Tue 2nd November 2021

Within Bex's role, she has the honour of meeting people who have taken part in the Freedom in Christ journey and discuss their experiences.

Mon 4th October 2021

Saturday saw the first in person event for Freedom in Christ in 17 months!!!

Tue 14th September 2021

If ever our nation needed hope, it’s now. Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer will make hope visible!

Wed 1st September 2021

Our new communications manager, Bex Moye started this week and we are happy to welcome her onboard as she utilises social media to show how Freedom in Christ can inspire, encourage and equip you as a leader in your journey.

Wed 21st July 2021

We're praising God here at Freedom In Christ UK, because over the last year 600 Christian leaders from all walks of life have taken advantage of our free, Online Courses for Leaders

Fri 18th June 2021

TRANSFORM is an unparalleled opportunity for Christian leaders to dive deep into the personal freedom, fruitfulness and transformation Jesus has for them - at a time when the conte

Fri 30th April 2021

Stephen Cheah, Area Director for Asia-Australasia is delighted with the progress that has been made by the team translating Freedom in Christ resources into Chinese. So far we have: