I met with Charlotte and Ron via Zoom in the Summer to chat with them about their church and using the Freedom In Christ course. Ron is the Minister of Wycliffe United Reformed Church, Warrington, a small but well-formed church that has a hunger for God and great food!!!
Charlotte, one of the leaders of the church, approached Ron to start the Freedom In Christ Course on a Thursday for a small friendship group – however, over the weeks more people joined hearing about not only the great message being presented but also the great food being shared! Some weeks saw the Thursday meeting having more attendance than on a Sunday!
Ron felt that the Freedom In Christ message fitted in with what the church were bringing forward and then God connected everything together, even in the music choices, which just seemed to time in perfectly with the week’s session. The course was delivered on a slower basis than normal but that made everyone feel like they understood the Freedom that’s on offer. He reflected that refreshment happened and the members took it from their heads to their hearts. They soon started the other courses that we have to offer and found that the church went through tremendous growth, focussing on what is true and breaking down strongholds.
Charlotte said it’s like waking up, even mature Christians who can become on auto pilot have listened to the teachings and it’s opened up the scriptures for them. One of the elderly members said that she never felt good enough and now knows who she is and its really released her!
Charlotte was also invited to attend a Torch Trust session – they are a Christian ministry that focuses on the spiritual support and encouragement of blind and partially sighted people – they asked Charlotte to speak and sing for 30 minutes where amazingly she brought them part of the Freedom In Christ message! She spoke about our identity in Christ and really engaged with the audience. She has been asked back and received lots of questions at the end from people who wanted to know more.
Chatting with Ron and Charlotte expressed their real passion for their church and for them to be set free – they spoke so fondly of the material from Freedom In Christ and how it has become part of their Churches week to week teachings. I am so excited to see what God is going to do next for them and can’t wait to meet them in person and to share a meal with them!!!