As part of our Funding Freedom 2022 Appeal, Jess took to the mountains to climb Pen Y Fan with the support (or hinderance!) of Bex. She expressed that despite it only being 886 metres it was a challenge for her as she is battling with illness and exercise can be too much of a strain on her body, in fact it would have been impossible 18 months ago as she was walking around on crutches!! During her long battle with illness she and her friend (who at the time was battling with cancer), were messaging to pray and share what God was saying - they felt he was speaking about mountaineering and how a walk through illness is like making a summit; you need to go steady, pace yourself and take plenty of pauses. They both loved the mountains so they agreed to summit a mountain together when they were both well again. Sadly he didn't make it so part of this challenge was for him too as he is now in glory with Jesus!!
She and Bex wore sponsorship t-shirts that her son Elliot designed for her, only to joke that it may have the wrong mountain on it!! Perhaps that's why she got lost and ended up going on a different route!! Although she would say it's Bex' orienteering!!! Despite the hilarity of the day, it was a very real moment when she reached the top and declared God's freedom!!! Watch the video below to find out what happened!!