We're building our team to proclaim Jesus' freedom across the southwest, lead by our new Regional Co-ordinator, Art Moore. Rob, our Executive Director, caught up with him to share the story so far:
Rob: So, tell us how your freedom journey started?
Art: It started way back in 2010 when I took a day off work to fast and pray about the decline and difficulties in my business - the same business that I still run today! God led me to the Victory Over the Darkness book, specifically the section on “Godly Goals” - and in what just seemed like a moment it changed my whole perspective on my business’s issues.
Rob: And how about a vision to reach the southwest with the freedom message?
Art: Well, at the time I saw that Freedom In Christ was mentioned in the back of the book, and given I was looking to merge the business with another in the SW, my heart suddenly quickened with a vison of being a rep for this organisation in the SW should we end up moving there! But for the next 4 years – nothing happened.
Rob: So what's happened since then?
Art: Things started to change in 2015. I’ve attended the amazing Freed to Lead Retreat three times since then, and with Bee (my wife) led three Freedom In Christ courses in our home. But it was earlier this year that I really sensed God calling me "the time is now!". It was hard to hear - we were overwhelmed with work and family pressures and had already decided that we didn't have the capacity to take on more.
Rob: And yet now you have stepped up as our Southwest Coordinator, what happened?!
Art: God had other ideas! He broke into my weak prayers and showed me I was to step up and the time is now!
Rob: And so you took the reins from Jess, our previous SW Coordinator...
Art: Yes, Jess and Chris were moving to South Wales, and I inherited a great team from her, which we've expanded. I'm trusting the Lord to free up my time and have the sense that I need to keep stepping up the river for it to part. My vision hasn't changed, but the scope certainly has - to bring Freedom In Christ to churches in the southwest by building relationships across the region. My greatest passion is to see leaders using Freed To Lead, being restored to be the leader God's created them to be.
Please join us in praying for the freedom message to be proclaimed across the southwest. If you'd like to join the SW Prayer Team, do let us know!