Claudette Bennett, our National Co-Ordinator for Jamaica, has been in post for a year, and we thought it was time we introduced her to you! She writes:
“Having experienced significant changes in my own life and the lives of others using the Freedom In Christ tools while living away from my homeland, I was excited to take this transformational message back to my own country.
So, upon my return and uppermost in my mind was introducing the tools to churches across the breadth of Jamaica. There have been many challenges to the start-up work, but I am encouraged as we press forward in prayer and purpose and as we “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin” (Zech 4:13)
I am thrilled, but also fully aware of the magnitude of this task but I am also aware that I am a co-labourer with Christ and as I abide in Him I can bear fruit that will remain. My husband Dalkeith and I have been on our own continuing transformational journey as part of Freedom in Christ's TRANSFORM programme - it's been an amazing personal journey into greater freedom, fruitfulness, and disciple-making.”
Please join us in praying for Claudette and Dalkeith as they faithfully proclaim Jesus' freedom to the churches of Jamaica.