About Freedom In Christ Ministries (UK)


The purpose of Freedom In Christ Ministries (FICM) is to equip the Church to make fruitful disciples so that it can advance Christ's kingdom more effectively. Our driving motivation is the conviction that the effectiveness of the UK Church could be revolutionised if enough individual Christians understood better how to walk in the freedom that Christ has won for them.

We equip the Church specifically in the areas of personal discipleship for adults and young people, marriage and family, and dealing with corporate issues that hold churches back. We are a resource ministry available to all denominations and groupings within the Christian Church.

Our primary emphasis is on equipping and enabling Christian leaders. We do not work with individual Christians except through their church. We do not seek to control how Christian leaders implement our methodology but we do produce helpful guidelines and do all we can to encourage best practice.



Freedom In Christ Ministries (FICM) is a company limited by guarantee (ie a not-for-profit organisation) number 3984116 and a registered charity (number 1082555). It is a member of the Evangelical Alliance. FICM was founded in the USA by Dr Neil Anderson in 1989. The UK office was established in May 2000 and is funded entirely through donations and proceeds from resource sales and conferences.

Click here to see our Statement Of Faith.

Click here to see a copy of our latest accounts on the Charity Commission website (opens in new tab).

Ultimate responsibility for the ministry lies in the hands of its Trustees: Rev'd Rod Woods, Art Moore, Sarah Brewer, and Alan Osborn.

Executive responsibility is taken by Rob Davies, Executive Director.

We are part of the worldwide family of Freedom In Christ Ministries International. (opens in new tab)