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For much of this year, both Sue, our Director of Prayer and Rob, our Executive Director, have sensed we need to more intentionally press into prayer to see Jesus' freedom embraced further and wider across Scotland through our resources.

So, in following what we sensed was the Spirit's lead we put a Prayer Event in place, this would be to meet to pray on three evenings over three months.

Having had the first of those on Monday 17th June, we were so encouraged by people joining us from all over Scotland and beyond including Fife, Dunoon, Isle of Skye, Dundee, Glasgow, Cumbria and Wales! We worshipped, shared testimonies, prayed together and declared God's promises over the nation...

Father God You are the Faithful One, and Jesus You are the Desire of the Nations. We thank You that Scotland is in Your hands and in Your heart.

We thank you for Scotland’s heritage, language and culture. We ask that through Freedom In Christ, You would bring about...

In May, Freedom in Christ hosted its first Africa leaders conference in five years in Uganda, bringing together an impressive assembly of leaders from across the continent. The Kenya team came out in force and were joined by representatives from Nigeria, South Sudan, Burundi, Tanzania, Zambia, and more—a total of nine countries were represented.


The conference was spearheaded by our Africa Area Director, Ibrahim Dikko, Howard Ostendorff, our South and Eastern Africa Coordinator, Josh Shaarda, our National Leader in Uganda and ably hosted by the amazing Uganda Team. The theme was "Stronger Together", with opportunity to explore how each country can grow in prayer, people, provision so see God's plans and purposes fulfilled across the continent. It was also a great time to commission new team members into new roles, including Michael, our new Uganda National Leader, Josh, our new International Head of Resources, and Nyambura, our new Africa Area Prayer Co-ordinator...

For the first time ever, we’re going to the Christian Resources Exhibition and we’d love you to join us! It’s a golden opportunity to meet church and ministry leaders form all over the country and share with them the vision and mission of Freedom in Christ. We’re praying we’ll meet lots of new leaders and God will grant us the opportunity to be able to inspire and encourage them with our resources on discipleship and leadership.

If you’ve not heard about CRE before, check out how they describe themselves below. It’s a one-stop shop for literally everything you can think of for church and ministry - and we want discipleship resources to be at the centre of it all. Come find us on Stand B35.

CRE 2024 will take place at the Marshall Arena, Milton Keynes on 9-10 Oct 2024.

You can claim a FREE ticket, we'd love you to...

TRANSFORM is an unparalleled opportunity for Christian leaders to dive deep into the personal freedom, fruitfulness and transformation Jesus has for them - at a time when the context and circumstances of leadership are incredibly challenging. 

It's a committment - praying, studying and meeting together every week for the best part of 10 months, we recommend you set aside 4 hours a week to get the most out of it. But if you're responsible for strategic vision and direction in your church, organisation or ministry, TRANSFORM will, well, as it says on the tin, transform your leadership.

There are three stages to TRANSFORM - Reposition, Retune and Refocus. The first seeks to ground your identity in Jesus and deal with anything that's holding you back personally. The second, Retune, begins to apply your new found freedom more specifically to your leadership adventure, and the contenxt within which you lead, before finally, in Refocus, we unpack...

In this first of our brand new Freedom Talks, we will consider living well with Dr Mary Wren, and a "first aid kit" for healthy leadership.

Join with other leaders for a special online Freedom Talk - our first! This month we're with co-author of our ...

It's always a joy to see what God is doing all around the world! It's been a while since we caught up with Alan & Alice in Estonia. I had the pleasure of spending a day with them in Tallinn but we had so much fun that we ran out of time to get a video update! Thankfully they had a video crew to help out and they sent over a video letting us know how they are getting on and where they feel God is guiding them this year.


Watch the video here or below...



Merry Christmas!!  Welcome to our round up of the year!

Christmas comes round so fast (much to the delight of my kids!) and this year really is no exception! We have had such an action-packed and eventful year and have been so blessed by all God is doing and saying - with a sense that “expansion” is very much at the heart of God’s plans and purposes for us as we enter 2024.

We couldn’t do any of it without your wonderful support and wanted to say a huge thank you for taking this journey with us!

See below for the whole update or download it here...



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