Join Sue's Personal Support Team




For well over a decade, Sue Lindsay, our Director Of Intercession, has been encouraging prayer for the work of Freedom In Christ UK. Steve Goss says, "Sue does an incredible job leading our wonderful team of intercessors and producing a fantastic monthly prayer and news letter that now goes out to over 3,000 people."

Sue now feels a strong call to help our colleagues in other European countries establish prayer in their ministries whilst continuing her work in the UK. Sue says, "Having been invited to speak at a FICM Europe Team Gathering in Barcelona earlier in the year, I came away with a real excitement, passion and fire in my heart to help train, equip and mentor others to develop prayer strategies and prayer support systems for their own country’s ministry. God reminded me that over 10 years ago I was given a word that in His time, my work with Freedom In Christ would involve Europe. It will be an enormous privilege and honour to encourage others with what God has shown us here in the UK.”

FICM has offices or representatives in a dozen countries in Europe with more in process. There are many European versions of the FIC Discipleship Course already and it is currently being translated into Russian and Polish and will shortly be published in French. Sue will be helping country leaders identify and equip key people to develop prayer strategies and prayer support systems for their country. She will then mentor those people, host regular electronic meetings with them and produce a regular prayer and news letter for Europe.

Carolyn Jackson, European Regional Director, says, "Our focus is on establishing prayer as the solid foundation for FICMI across Europe. Sue comes with a wealth of experience and will be a great asset. Please pray for her as she raises the necessary funds for this new role and, if God puts it on your heart, consider supporting her financially."

We need to raise £600 a month to enable Sue to take up this new role.

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You can support Sue by making a donation by debit/credit card, paypal or by setting up a standing order. Please be sure to select "Supporting Sue Lindsay" for the purpose of your gift when you fill in the details below. Many thanks!

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