Join us on 27th November at 6.30pm on Zoom with other leaders for a special online Freedom Talk. This November, Steve Goss, Freedom In Christ's International Director. joins us to discuss Discipleship Strategy!
Steve will look at how Freedom in Christ is much more than a programme or course that you run. He will share about our three foudnational principles that will ensure your discipleship strategy produces a culture of freedom and fruitfulness that sees churches and communities transformed. We'll have some time for Q&A at the end.
Steve is now Freedom In Christ's International Executive Director, and author of many of Freedom in Christ’s courses and resources. He came across Neil Anderson's work in the 1990s and established the UK office 25 years ago. He has the dubious accolade of being able to somehow get away with telling terrible jokes... and he may be convinced to tell his latest.
So, do register now! Registration free, but we encourage you to make a donation if you can.
We look forward to seeing you there.