Grace Course (NEW) Participant's Guide

Grace Participant's Guide

Participant's Guide for the brand new edition of the Grace Course - not available until 24th September 2024

The Grace Course Participant's Guide contains notes for all of the 8 teaching sessions as well as the ministry component of the course, The Steps To Experiencing God's Grace, and the bonus session on Stronghold-busting.

Let God’s grace free you to be real and bear much fruit!

  • Live a fruitful Christian life simply by being the person God made you to be.
  • Don’t “perform” for God or other people but learn to serve out of love.
  • Hold your head up high no matter what’s in your past.
  • Get rid of condemning thoughts and that “low grade fever” of guilt.
  • Stop returning to the same old sins again and again.
  • Fear nothing and no one except God Himself.
  • Learn to serve out of genuine rest.
  • Work together with others to reach the world for Christ.

Also available in packs of five at a discount.