Freed to Lead - Mondays 7.30 - 9pm
- Breakout room leader, Roger, needs prayer for healing for his health problems and that if you can't make Mondays meeting that the breakout rooms will still run easily.
disciple - Wednesdays 6 - 8pm
- For the participants to feel open to share
- For the participants to know they are good enough!
- That participants will continue to see the fruits from the step day
- We have quite an intergenerational difference in our group, so praying that this will be a positive for all generations
Grace - Thursdays 3 - 5pm
- Check back soon for current prayer requests
Freedom in Christ - Fridays 3 - 5pm
- Check back soon for current prayer requests
Monday 7th March
The Freed to Lead cohort continue with Session 8 this evening, as they consider enabling an atmosphere of trust as a leader. Pray that the Holy Spirit would be at work in the videos and the
breakout group discussions to help them to receive, to learn and to grow in fruitfulness.
Tuesday 8th March
Pray that the Holy Spirit will continue working in the hearts and minds of those who did the Steps on Saturday to embed the identity and the freedom in Christ in their lives for the long term. We
proclaim the victory of Jesus over anything that the enemy would do to distract them or hold them back.
Wednesday 9th March
Pray for all attending Disciple this evening as they look into the important topic of forgiveness. Pray that God’s command to forgive would be truly understood and taken on board leading to lives going
forward, free from the bondage of bitterness and resentment.
Thursday 10th March
“Fight the good fight of faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses “(1 Tim 6) Pray that God will be using these
online courses, for His kingdom purposes, to establish and reinvigorate the life and ministry of many of those taking part.
Friday 11th March
The Freedom in Christ Discipleship Course focuses on renewing the mind and stronghold busting today. Pray that this practice will be truly taken on board by those attending, that the Holy Spirit will
bring both insight and perseverance.
Monday 14th March
Pray for the impact of the teaching and discussion in Freed to Lead this evening as participants explore personal pitfalls of temptation and weakness. Help them to know Lord that they have all the
resources they need in you. Pray for healing and restoration for those who are struggling.
Tuesday 15th March
Thank God for all of those leading and hosting courses and facilitating breakout rooms this term (19 people in all). Pray that they will have been encouraged and strengthened in their own faith as they
have joined in God’s work of bringing freedom and blessing to his children.
Wednesday 16th March
Pray for the Disciple participants tonight as they look at Stronghold busting. Pray for Holy Spirit led discussions and testimony, witnessing to God who can truly bring transformation as we lean into his
word, and that people will be motivated to tackle issues in their own lives.
Thursday 17th March
“His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us “(2 Peter 1). Pray that all the participants on the courses this term will know more
and more of their identity in Christ and their need to depend on Him in all they do.
Friday 18th March
Pray for Gareth and the team as they lead the participants through Session 9 of the Freedom in Christ course “Relating to others”. Holy Spirit, Counsellor, would you be present in all the discussions
today and be at work for your kingdom and your glory in the leaders and the churches represented.
Monday 21st March
Pray for the Freed to Lead cohort as they meet for their final teaching and discussion session tonight and then undertake the Steps next Monday. Pray that God would grant each one the time and space
this week to reflect on their journey this term, to submit to Him, and continue growing in the character of Jesus.
Tuesday 22nd March
Thank you God for all who have committed their time and energies to joining the freedom courses this term. May there be life changing testimony and stories for the glory of the kingdom flowing
from what has been learnt and experienced. “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free! “
Wednesday 23rd March
The Disciple course meets for the final time this evening. Thank you, Lord, for this group of millennials who want to truly follow you and grow in faith. Pray that you will embed all that has
taken place deep within their hearts, so that they can build on this “sure foundation” for the rest of their lives.
Thursday 24th March
Tomorrow is the last session of the Freedom in Christ Discipleship Course. Pray for the group as they meet together for the final time, that the concept of who they are in Christ, rather than what they
do for him, will be something that never leaves them.
Friday 25th March
“For all the promises of God are “Yes” in Christ “ (2 Cor 1). Thank you, Jesus, that all that has taken place this term is based on your finished work on the cross. We praise you for the new life and
transformation that is only possible in you.