Appointed as National Representative and National Prayer Co-ordinator respectively just a year ago, Stuart and Breda Kenny have been developing contacts and presenting the FIC Discipleship message and methods as God has begun to open more and more doors - and hearts - around the country.
Ireland’s population – youngest in Europe with 33% under 25 – continues to grow and secularise as we welcome immigrants from around the world. The growth in size and number of ‘non-Irish’ churches is a significant aspect and we have also been welcomed very positively in a number of them.
Our vision is ‘to see a discipleship mind-set become an integral and permanent part of the structure of every church in Ireland in a relevant, accessible and sustainable manner for the ongoing personal development of believers nationwide and the transformation of Irish society’.
Prayer is already playing a critical role in Freedom In Christ’s work in Ireland and will clearly grow in importance. Breda has drawn together a very committed and effective Prayer Support Group – and God is answering their very focussed prayer on a regular basis.
A number of strategically important churches are currently assessing how FIC can help them produce fruitful disciples – and we are expecting exciting developments over the next few months.
We face a big challenge in Ireland but we serve a very big God; and He hears and answers prayer!