1st May 2018
What's it all about?
From May 25th 2018, all charities and businesses must be compliant with the new General Data Protection Regulations, which strengthens the law around personal data and makes sure we, as citizens, are in charge of who has our data and how it is used, or "processed" to use the technical term.
Do I need to reconfirm my "opt-in" to stay in touch with FIC?
No. If you receive emails from us, it's because we already have your consent. At Freedom In Christ we have always had a policy where:
- We only contact you if you have ticked the box to say you want us to
- You're able to update what you're subscribed to,
- You can delete your account whenever you like,
- We never, ever, share your data with anyone else.
Under GDPR we are able to stay in touch with you if you have given us, and continue to give us, your explicit consent to do so, and also if there is a "legitimate interest" for us to stay in touch, perhaps in order to fulfill a service like FreedomStream, or the Freedom Fellowship.
What emails can I receive from you?
There are four main mailing groups you can be part of at Freedom In Christ. You'll find the ability to sign up to them in your account when you sign in:
- Receive our daily devotional
- Receive our Monthly Prayer and News Letter
- Receive news about events that are in your area - we tend to email twice per event (at around 6 weeks and a little reminder at 2 weeks), or up to 3 times for a Retreat.
- Occasional items of news - these come out every 3-4 months or so.
How can I unsubscribe?
If you find you are getting emails from us and you don't want them, you can unsubcribe by logging into your account, or simply hit reply to any of our emails and we'll unsubscribe you.
How can I exercise my right to "be forgotten?"
If you want to be completely forgotten by us please simply email us or use our contact us form.
Our full Data Privacy Notice can be downloaded here.