disciple Starter Pack for 10 - NO DVD

disciple Starter Pack for 10 - NO DVD

Save £40 on normal prices!

All the printed material you need to run disciple for 10 people, including Leader's Guide, Participant's Guides, Steps To Freedom books, Postcards, Posters, Invitations and the Freedom In Christ Prayer Manual.

You will need to make sure you have a FreedomStream subscription to access the teaching videos, or purchase the disciple Starter Pack for 10 with DVDs

disciple Leader's Guide
disciple Participant's Guide
Steps To Freedom In Christ 2017
disciple Postcard - Who I am in Jesus
disciple Postcard - The Can Do List
disciple Postcard - My Father God
disciple Publicity Poster
disciple Over-printable Invitations (pack of 50)
The Freedom In Christ Prayer Manual - 2nd Edition