Neil Anderson brings important new teaching first to UK and Ireland in March

Key events in Dublin, Glasgow, Cardiff, Birmingham and London In March

“The most significant issue facing the Church” - Steve Goss

The one thing Jesus focused on when He prayed for those who would come after His first disciples (in John 17) is that we would be one. Psalm 133 tells us that where there is unity, God commands a blessing.

According to Steve Goss, “Real heart-unity is the most significant issue facing the Church. It will show the world that we are His disciples. It will bring blessing to our land. If we are genuinely one, we will no longer decline but will join the Church in most of the rest of the world in significant growth.”

How do we get to genuine heart-unity from where we are now? What can an individual leader or Christian do to help make it happen?

Over the last few years, Neil Anderson, founder of Freedom In Christ Ministries, has found these questions weighing heavily on him. The distillation of his thoughts will be published (in February 2010) in an important new book – “The Core Of Christianity” – that he says will be his last major work.

According to Neil, “The only basis for Christian unity is our common connection to God, in other words our identity in Christ. The apostle calls for ‘a renewal in which there is no distinction between Greek and Jew (racial), circumcised and uncircumcised (religious), barbarian, Scythian (cultural), slave and freeman (social), but Christ is all and in all’ (Colossians 3:11). Racial, religious, cultural, and social barriers to our unity and consequently our effectiveness in this world can only be torn down in Christ. When we identify ourselves individually or corporately as something other than children of God, we erect barriers that distinguish us from others. The Church’s mandate is not to make converts to our way of thinking, but to make disciples of Jesus who reproduce themselves. Our ministry is reconciliation.”

We are thrilled that Neil has chosen to bring a summary of this important message to the Church in the UK and Ireland in March 2010. In fact he will be visiting every part of the British Isles with one-day conferences in Dublin, Glasgow, Cardiff, Birmingham and London (he will also be in Belfast teaching a Living In Freedom & Fruitfulness event on his “UK tour”).

If you are a church leader or a Christian concerned to see real change, you will not want to miss this important event.

Details And How To Book

DUBLIN 10 March 2010
St. Mark’s Church

GLASGOW 15 March 2010
Queen’s Park Baptist

CARDIFF 23 March 2010
City Temple

BIRMINGHAM 24 March 2010
Christian Life Centre

LONDON 25 March 2010
City Temple

The day runs from 10am to 5pm (registration from 9.30am) and costs £25 (€20 in Dublin).

Book on-line in the Shop by clicking here.

Call (+44) 0118 321 8084

Could you distribute leaflets locally (especially to church leaders)? Please get in touch and we’ll send some to you.

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