Choose Freedom! Dave's Story

We're sharing stories to encourage and inspire us all to choose the freedom that Jesus has won for us - here's Dave's story:

Dave, how did you find out about Freedom In Christ?

I found out about Freedom In Christ through my church: Real Life Church, in Sutton Coldfield. We initially ran a course as a congregation and later I decided to attend a small-group course run by Mike and Sarah.

And which part of the course has had the most impact on you?

Probably the part that has had the most impact is understanding the Who we are in Christ statements. I love that part and it impacts me every day - I love it so much I wrote the whole thing out and put them up on my office wall!

My life has been most changed by truy understanding forgiveness. I realised that the part about forgiveness was the start of a process not its end. I determined to follow Ephesians 4:26: "In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry"

What would be your advice to someone thinking about doing a Freedom In Christ course?

I would advise everyone to attend a Freedom In Christ course at least once. Whether you are a new Christian or whether you were saved 30 years ago: God has something important to say to you!

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