Over 150,000 people in the UK have been through The Freedom In Christ Discipleship Course which is often used alongside or after The Alpha Course. The picture above was taken during the filming of the course.
In October this year, a brand new FIC resource for churches – The Grace Course – will be published by Monarch and launched internationally. It will feature a DVD of the teaching presented by Steve Goss (UK) and Rich Miller (USA) from Freedom In Christ Ministries.
The teaching will be filmed at London School Of Theology in Northwood (near Watford) on 31 May and 1 June 2012 in a specially-built set.
The previous weekend, there will be a "dress rehearsal" in Reading on the evening of Friday 25 May and all day Saturday 26 May.
We are pleased to invite those who love our message to be in the audience for both events and experience The Grace Course some months before it is published. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
To book your place for the filming, click here.
To book your place for the rehearsals, click here.