New Training DVDs For Church Teams

We've taken the content of our two most popular equipping events, added lots of extras and turned them into two DVD training packages at a stunning price of just £29.99 each with free downloadable Leader's Notes and Participant's Guide to print out. So now it's easy to train your team in-house.

Together these DVDs provide a complete guide to the Freedom In Christ approach and will equip your team to run one of our Discipleship Courses (for adults or young people) and to lead others through The Steps To Freedom In Christ.

Making Fruiful Disciples

This 5-session DVD course (2 DVDs) first of all establishes a foundation by explaining six key Biblical principles for making fruitful disciples (as opposed to just converts). Then it looks at practical ways to implement them using the Freedom In Christ approach.

Quite apart from the teaching on discipleship principles, this DVD will be useful in helping churches work out whether the Freedom In Christ courses are right for them and, if they decide they are, how best to run them in their situation. Presented by Steve Goss with help from Sue Lea and Andy & Jenny Moxon from Freedom In Christ's team, it also features a host of testimonies and interviews with leaders who have used the approach.

Each session is designed to last around 2 hours including "Pause For Thought" discussion time (two or three per session).

Helping Others Find Freedom In Christ

This 6-session DVD course (2 DVDs) has just one overriding objective: to enable you and your team to feel confident enough to take someone else through The Steps To Freedom In Christ.

Presented by Steve Goss and Tim Baynes Clarke (one of our most-experienced practitioners), the course explains the background to The Steps To Freedom In Christ and why they work and then looks at the practicalities of using them, either in running an Away Day as part of the FIC Discipleship Course or in an individual 'freedom appointment'. It includes many testimonies from individuals and leaders.

Each session is designed to last around 2 hours including "Pause For Thought" discussion times. The first 5 sessions cover the basic teaching. The final session is designed to be run at a later date once participants have gained some experience of running freedom appointments. It outlines how the approach works with those with deeper issues and features an extended interview with Cartolyn Bramhall (author of Am I A Good Girl Yet?) and some of the team who helped her find her freedom from years of ritual abuse and dissociative identity disorder.

The course assumes that participants are familiar with FIC's main teaching and have been through our Making Fruitful Disciples one-day event or DVD (see above).

How To Order
The new DVD courses cost just £29.99 each and can be ordered now in our on-line shop or by calling us 0118 321 8084.

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