
Tue 28th November 2006

Steve Goss will be speaking at the Christian Resources Exhibition.

Thu 9th November 2006

The current issue of Alpha News contains an advertising feature on using the FIC Discipleship Course after Alpha.

Thu 19th October 2006

We are delighted to annouce that Neil Anderson will be in the UK during the week of 19 March 2007.

Tue 18th July 2006

Following an excellent response to our new event "Get Started With The Freedom In Christ Approach" more are planned around the UK.

Mon 1st May 2006

Things have been exciting in the FIC world recently. We sense, however, that that was just the beginning and there's much more to come. The thing that makes the most difference is prayer.

Wed 15th March 2006

Paul Travis, co-author with Neil Anderson of Breaking The Bondage Of Legalism, is visiting the UK for the first time in May 2006.

Wed 1st March 2006

Tim and Monique Baynes Clarke, members of Freedom In Christ's teaching team, have accepted a call to open a Freedom In Christ office in France.

Wed 1st February 2006

We are pleased to announce the release of a multimedia section to the website. This section holds varied videos from leaders, individuals and much more.

Sat 1st October 2005

The autumn issue of Freedom In Christ News is now available, featuring Freedom In Burundi, all new books and more information on the new Getting Started With Freedom In Christ Course.

Sat 1st October 2005

Part 1 Complete - today we uploaded a huge update to the content of the website. The Leaders section and the Discipleship Course sections benefitted the most.

Fri 15th July 2005

As you may already know, there is a members only section for users of the Discipleship Course.

Thu 30th June 2005

We're happy to announce that Neil Anderson has his very own website up and running.