
Wed 1st February 2006

We are pleased to announce the release of a multimedia section to the website. This section holds varied videos from leaders, individuals and much more.

Sat 1st October 2005

The autumn issue of Freedom In Christ News is now available, featuring Freedom In Burundi, all new books and more information on the new Getting Started With Freedom In Christ Course.

Sat 1st October 2005

Part 1 Complete - today we uploaded a huge update to the content of the website. The Leaders section and the Discipleship Course sections benefitted the most.

Fri 15th July 2005

As you may already know, there is a members only section for users of the Discipleship Course.

Thu 30th June 2005

We're happy to announce that Neil Anderson has his very own website up and running.

Wed 1st June 2005

We're delighted that the workbooks for the Freedom In Christ Discipleship Course have now been reprinted and are back in stock.

Tue 31st May 2005

"Get Started With The Freedom In Christ Approach" is the title of a one day event to be run around the UK from Autumn 2005.

Fri 1st April 2005

Download Freedom In Christ's all new widgets for Mac and PC.

Thu 31st March 2005

The popularity of the FIC Discipleship Course has taken everyone by surprise, including Monarch the publishers.

Tue 15th March 2005

The Freedom In Christ Discipleship Course was one of three books nominated at the Christian Book Sellers Convention for Best Reference Book of 2005.

Tue 1st February 2005

Neil Anderson recently spent a week in the UK. He ran a Living Free In Christ event in Belfast, his first visit to Northern Ireland and a Discipleship Counselling conference in Shrewsbury.

Tue 28th December 2004

Welcome to our new look website, we hope you like it. Everything has been completely overhauled from the look to the underlying systems.