“The content is superb, and the three presenters were magnificent – could hardly be better!”
The response to the first ever run through of disciple at St Paul’s, Salisbury has been brilliant. It was a hectic schedule of preparation, presenting and evaluation for the presenting team of Jess, Rob and David as they delivered all ten sessions of this new version of the discipleship course. We’ve had loads of encouraging feedback, and we know what we need to do to make the filming of disciple even better!
Over to you - can you be in the audience for the filming?
So, we now turn our attention to December 8th – 9th, when filming will take place at UCB Operations Centre in Stoke-on-Trent. We’d like an audience of up to 30 18-35s. Filming will run from 9.30am to 5pm, lunch will be provided and we’ll be filming all 10 sessions plus some extra teaching on some specific topics like ‘Fear’, ‘Sex’ and ‘Father God’. It promises to be an action-packed two days.
If you know of anybody who fits the bill and might be able to come, please let them know. We appreciate that people will need to take time off work and maybe travel some distance – if costs are prohibitive, we do have a bursary that can help: please contact the office for more details.
If you are able to come, or can encourage others to, please use this link to book onto the event.
What's it all about?
But if you’d like to know a little more about the content of this new version of the Discipleship Course, read on.
Disciple is about your story. No matter what has happened in your life up to now, God has an amazing and unique plan for you. Disciple doesn't tell you how to behave or what to do, but offers you an invite to play your part in the biggest story ever told, to make your life count for something more. It’s not about you striving to follow God: it’s about you knowing Him, knowing who He created you to be and stepping into that identity.
Over 10 sessions you will discover that in Jesus, you are a new creation, a holy one, and nothing can hold you back from being all that God wants you to be! But there is plenty of stuff that tries to. The world, the flesh, and the devil work to misdirect you, offering you alternative but pointless paths. If you want to fulfill the amazing plans that God has for you, you need to be aware of these schemes, so you're not neutralised by them. Disicple will show you that you can make the choice to believe the truth, even if it doesn’t feel like it, and you will recognise what's holding you back. Disciple will give you tools to resolve the spiritual and emotional conflicts that are holding you back so that you can be free, free to run the race, unshackled, that God has set before you.
God’s story starts with freedom. It finishes with radical transformation as you become more and more like Jesus. Disciple invites you to take hold of your freedom and discover your mandate.
Sound good? Sign up for the filming here!