Stephen Cheah, Area Director for Asia-Australasia is delighted with the progress that has been made by the team translating Freedom in Christ resources into Chinese. So far we have:
- The 13-week Freedom In Christ Course videos are available with Traditional Chinese subtitles
- The Grace Course and Freed To Lead videos are available with Simplified and Traditional Chinese subtitles
- The Grace Course Leader’s Guide and Participant’s Guide have been translated into both Simplified and Traditional Chinese
- Free to Be Yourself, Book One of Steve Goss’s Discipleship Series, is available in Simplified Chinese on Amazon
And there's more to come, with plans to film the Freedom In Christ course in both Cantonese and Mandarin.
Please do pray for all those involved in these projects - it's a tonne of work! - and pray that it bears much fruit.

Freed to Lead Leader's Guide in Simplified Chinese

Stephen & Helen

Grace Course Participant's Guide in Simplified Chinese