For much of this year, both Sue, our Director of Prayer and Rob, our Executive Director, have sensed we need to more intentionally press into prayer to see Jesus' freedom embraced further and wider across Scotland through our resources.
So, in following what we sensed was the Spirit's lead we put a Prayer Event in place, this would be to meet to pray on three evenings over three months.
Having had the first of those on Monday 17th June, we were so encouraged by people joining us from all over Scotland and beyond including Fife, Dunoon, Isle of Skye, Dundee, Glasgow, Cumbria and Wales! We worshipped, shared testimonies, prayed together and declared God's promises over the nation...
Father God You are the Faithful One, and Jesus You are the Desire of the Nations. We thank You that Scotland is in Your hands and in Your heart.We thank you for Scotland’s heritage, language and culture. We ask that through Freedom In Christ, You would bring about an awakening of Your presence as never seen before.
We bless the people of God within Scotland’s borders. We bless every croft, farm, hamlet, village, town, city, coastland, island, peninsular and church community, that the knowledge of Jesus might ignite and spread like a moor fire.
We bless those in authority, especially church, community and business leaders to be freed to lead, that strong people of faith will serve each church, region and its people, and that the Holy Spirit and the Word of God may flow out in power.
In the Name of Jesus, we call out all those in leadership, to be strong, faithful men and women who serve with wisdom and discernment, walking in His true freedom.
In the Name of Jesus, we stand against any and all schemes of the enemy that seek to steal, kill and destroy the plans and purposes of God for this nation. Ancient doors of Scotland – stand back! For the glorious King is coming and He shall soon pass your way.
This glorious King is the Eternal, Commander of Heaven’s Army and He is powerful, mightily equipped for battle and in Him the victory lies.
So with Your authority Jesus, we declare over Scotland that she will enter into the good works You have prepared in advance for her to do. We look forward to the Freedom In Christ message opening the eyes of the blind, and all those in bondage.
We bless the sound of celebrations as all generations are set free through the message of the Gospel contained within the resources of Freedom in Christ.
Come Spirit come, breathe afresh over this land. Thank You God for all You will do, and for the promise that Your Word will not return to You empty but will accomplish the purpose for which You sent it through Freedom In Christ.
We have two more to come:
For our July meeting we are so blessed that Alastair Barton, Director of Pray for Scotland will be joining us! So, if you live in Scotland, or have a heart to pray for Scotland, you can register here...ficm.org.uk/scotland-prayer